Local Coalitions

Community efforts to prevent youth suicide.


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Lincoln-Lancaster County Suicide Prevention Coalition



The Lincoln/Lancaster County Suicide Prevention Coalition was formed in December 2014 to join the community in the fight against suicide. It includes members of the public and private sector, as well as from many aspects of our community: physical and mental health, suicide survivors, law enforcement, educators, and community agencies. Identified training and material costs will be funded by Region V Systems through the federal Garrett Lee Smith memorial grant, DHHS-Behavioral Health Division, and SAMHSA in collaboration with the Nebraska State Suicide Prevention Coalition.



The mission is to end suicide in the Lincoln community. Suicide is preventable. The Lincoln Suicide Prevention Coalition decided to focus first on youth 10-24 years of age.



Our vision is a community that is aware of the signs of suicide, identification, referral, resources, prevention, and post-vention strategies. There is hope, there is help.



End suicide in the Lincoln community by informing the community about prevention and post-vention strategies, mental health services, building a safety net to promote collaboration, and working together to achieve a coordinated community response.