Training & Education
Training and educational materials for suicide prevention.
If you need immediate help,
call or text 988.
To schedule a training for your group, refer to the map below to see the contacts in your behavioral health region who can connect you to a QPR trainer. Contact the trainer directly to schedule your training event. Once QPR is scheduled for your group, each participant will be asked to complete a simple questionnaire before and after your training experience to let us know how helpful the training is.

Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center sponsors the Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) training workshop covering 24 core competencies based on empirical evidence and expert opinion for practitioners’ need to effectively assess and manage suicide risk. The competencies are clusters of knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes required for people to be successful working with suicidal clients. This workshop prepares clinicians and practitioners to explore policies and practices in suicide prevention.
Gatekeeper Training
Gatekeeper training is for anyone who comes in contact with youth. This training contains basic information about suicide, how to spot someone at risk, and what to do or say. The training model is endorsed by the Nebraska State Suicide Prevention Coalition and utilizes QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer). Qualified trainers are available across the state and are ready to present to your group. The presentation is about 1.5 hours and is appropriate for all group sizes.
Safety Planning for Clinicians
The Nebraska Suicide Prevention Safety Planning training is a three-hour workshop intended for practitioners to gain knowledge and expertise in developing written suicide prevention safety plans. Safety planning that addresses immediate, acute and continuing suicide ideation for at-risk consumers is part of an evidence-based approach for suicide prevention. Working collaboratively with the consumer, their natural supports, and service providers is essential for building positive supports for clients at risk for suicide.
Training For Department of Education
Check back soon for a list of upcoming trainings!
Building Resilience
In a partnership with the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Building Resilience training aims to prepare personnel to foster resilience in themselves and their peers prior to a critical event, emergency, or disaster. Part I reviews the basics of resilience, Part II presents several coping tools associated with enhancing resilience or reducing stress, and Part III focuses on important aspects of helping others.
Regional Behavioral Health Authorities
Youth Suicide Prevention Contacts

Region 1 Contact
Region 3 Contacts
Shyanne Adams
PO Box 2555
Kearney, NE 68848
308-237-5113 ext. 237
Region 5 Contact
Sandy Morrissey
1645 N Street, Suite A
Lincoln, NE 68508
Region 2 Contact
Shannon Sell
110 North Bailey Street
PO Box 1209
North Platte, NE 69103
308-534-6029 ext. 208
Region 4 Contact
Tommy Newcombe
206 Monroe Avenue
Norfolk, NE 68701
Region 6 Contact
Crystal Fuller
4715 South 132nd Street
Omaha, NE 68137